Consolata Hospital Ikonda has some of the leading minds in urology at hand to help with the treatment of the patients. Here, there is a specialized personal care given to patients suffering from urological conditions. With state-of-the-art facilities and equipment available, we also have a highly trained support staff that help with the procedures and surgical interventions. Our skilled surgeons are well-versed in reproductive urology to be help the patients. Our testing facilities are second to none in the region and provide the best possible care to our patients.
In this urology clinic, we receive out patients who have urology problems and have to examine them to see if they can recover with only medicine or if they need surgery.
The surgical team atConsolata Hospital Ikonda is the pride and joy of the hospital. It comprises of consultants, senior doctors, specialists, nurses, therapists and a number of ancillary administrative staff. Each member of the team understands and takes full ownership of their role. The goal of the entire team is focused on providing the patients the best possible treatment and healing.