Consolata Hospital Ikonda is located in the Southern Highlands of Tanzania, 2050m above sea level (9°22’10’’S, 34°14’22”E), in Njombe Region, in Makete District. The Consolata Hospital stands in highlands, right hand side as one moves in Makete direction. It is accessible via compacted earth road of about 800 metres from village centre.
Our OPD (Out Patient Department) has eight doctor offices, two first aid rooms, two dental units, ophthalmic department, and pharmacy.
Our thirteen wards accommodating in-patients: Male Ward, Female Ward, Paediatric Ward, Maternity, Premature Unit, Annex/Isolation, Private Ward, Orthopaedic Ward, Surgical Male Ward, Surgical Female ward, ICU, Antenatal and Urology which started to operate in November 2020 making a more than 404 hospital beds.